Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Video Games, The Most Violent Form of Media?

I was just reading this article over at gamasutra: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/166615/US_bill_proposes_tobaccostyle_warning_labels_for_games.php and thought to myself why does congressmen think video games are the most violent form of media? In thinking about this i was looking up some movies, some movies i find to be more offensive and more violent than most video games. The uncanny valley is a key component that separates movie violence from game violence. I do not have factual evidence of this statement, but i would say 90% of games steal their ideas from the movies in the first place. The big action sequences and the grotesque violence, depicted in some films such as Transformers and Hostel, don't get criticized for being violent in any way. Their our more movies than i can think of that have twice the violence of the worst game, which most people consider any Grand Theft Auto being that game.

 I think if they want to put a label like cigarettes on games expressing they are violent, i demand a overhaul of the rating system on movies. I will state that im not saying movies are bad, by all means movies are wonderful. Most people argue that because in games you can act like your shooting someone or just killing people in general. Well i see no difference in movies such as Heat, or Reservoir Dogs, both movies are regarded as great cinematic masterpieces. I see them also as such but i can also see how violent and vulgar and how they represent everything that make people hate games.

I just ask you all to pay attention to the news for gaming and when and if you can write your congressmen or women and tell them that you do not agree with this bill/proposal and state why. This is Hippocratic to think that one form can be considered art and the other be considered corrupting our youth. The last thing i will say is, to bring up a movie such as Hostel one more time, movies show real people actually committing violent crimes such as Hostel where people pay this corporation money to legally kill innocent people for fun and pleasure. When one game lets you just cause pointless mayhem to random characters that show no emotion or feel no emotion be considered evil when a movie such as that is considered art, it seems confusing to me.

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