Thursday, March 15, 2012

What can change about Call Of Duty

This should be a pretty short article. I have not liked call of duty games sense the inception of world at war. It is just a copy and paste. I know i will get hate mail from people for saying this but honestly COD fanboys think about it. They are all the same just a slight different face and activision is making in the billions of dollars because of this policy and they are not even working hard to change the series. One studio was actually trying to make a 3rd person COD game, but funding got pulled, not because activision didnt have the money because they actually do its because they know they can sulk the gamer, thats you, for more dollars releasing another FPS thats a carbon copy of the last.

Now on to my main point (yes the previous paragraph was not my main point) that the story is so short. I know you can spend hundreds of hours online. What i want to see Infinity Ward or Treyarch do is make a only downloadable COD that has no single player and just a multiplayer ability. Then i want to see the other studio make a epic single player experience. Then activision makes there money and the fans get what they want and may pull in a few new fans. I know i would buy it if they had a 10+ hour single player story even if its cheasy i just want my 60 $ worth.

I recently bought Alan Wake American Nightmare, probably the best 15$ i have ever spent in video game history. No not the best game by any means. I spent 15$ to get a game with a little multiplayer (just by leaderboard). It is a horde mode where you have to last till dawn, its a 10 minute round. The single player is about a 8 to 10 hour game which is better than call of duty's 4 hour campaign. I urge all who read this to skip at least one call of duty game and make them make a better game send activision a message, maybe they will learn

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